Introduction to Voylin’s Gamedev Journey

Who am I?

I’m Voylin, born in Belgium but living in Japan. I have a wife and a two year old kid. Been programming since I was around nine but never got very serious with it until about seven-eight years ago. Linux is something I learned around ten years ago, but only started daily driving it eight years ago.


I daily drive Arch Linux with i3-gaps window manager. The main reason for me to use Linux is because I like knowing what’s on my pc and I don’t want to have stuff running on my system that I don’t know why it’s there or what it does.

Minimalism is what I would describe my preference for my PC. Rarely do I run into trouble with my Arch install, which surprises me seeing how many people actively struggle with it. ^^”


My wife is Japanese and I moved to Japan 3 years ago so we can live together. Really enjoying the food, nature and culture here. Been enjoying living here so much more compared to Belgium and looking forward to discovering more of this country in the future. First there was covid and later on work became too busy to travel. But life here has also been difficult with job related stuff.

Previous job

Since I moved here I have been having more health related issues. Most of these were caused by my previous job which I had to quit as I got a burn out from it. I guess my salary increase of one euro a month was the final nail in the coffin to quit my job.

I was an English teach, not in a school but in a after school type of school. The teaching was something I really enjoyed doing, but the stress from the company itself got to me. Lots of unpaid overwork, lots of work in general (because of colleagues who didn't do ****).


I started YouTube with my main channel at the end of 2015, when I quit my job me and my wife decided that I would become a stay at home dad and I would try to earn some type of an income whilst taking care of the housekeeping and my kid. That is one of the biggest reasons I started this second YouTube channel.


Because I was going to make more videos I needed to find a good video edit or, but as I use Linux my only option was Kdenlive. Yes I know about Davinci Resolve, but as the free and even paid version don’t support common codecs, that one pretty quickly went of my list. Then there is Blender as well … So yeah, my only option was Kdenlive and that one crashes too much and has bugs which annoy the hell out of me.

So the only logical option was to develop my own video editor. 😀 I’m sharing the devlogs and progress on this blog and I am also making videos about it.