Day 8: No zero days November – 2023

I FINALLY DID IT! ๐Ÿ˜€ So short summary for the people who have not been following these logs very closely. I’ve been trying to get FFmpeg working through it’s library, but I ran into some issues, but I had made the rendering system in python before. So why not create a separate class called GozenPipeRenderer which uses the FFmpeg command line. Somehow this was also not working out โ€ฆ.

Today’s troubleshooting/progress

I was doing one major thing wrong which was the cause of all my trouble, I was using .get_data() on the image โ€ฆ I should have use jpg, png or webp and saved that to buffer, ex. save_webp_to_buffer(false, 1.0). The false is to make the image data lossless (no data/quality loss) and the 1.0 is the quality float number, 1 is the highest.

We can render video!

We can render video so what’s next? Audio? Timeline? Useless changes to the UI to make the editor look better? Well, I’d like to try to get the renderer working which uses the FFmpeg library instead of the command line as performance should be better and not everybody has FFmpeg installed.

But on the other hand, we have our first system ready to render out videos and it works โ€ฆ so not 100% certain what to work on if I want to continue checking of major working points. I’d like to work with audio, but I feel that I better start with the timeline as this is another major struggling block.

As example files for putting in the timeline I can use images and just plain colors. But again, it will depend on my mood tomorrow or on your suggestions of what I should work on. :p


Progress has been made, and after such a long time troubleshooting today, I am glad that I finally figured it out hahaha. I’ll try making a progress video today, but it may be for tomorrow as my energy has been dangerously low due to stressing over FFmpeg hahaha