Day 15: No zero days November – 2023

One day late is posting this, had a productive morning, but the afternoon was spend on family time and video editing.


The interface is coming along nicely, basic functionality which a lot of it won’t be very useful to the average user, but will help in being able to setup (custom) render profiles. I know that I should work on the importer next, but the whole FFmpeg api is such a challenge to work with. Even now that I have a good basic understanding of how it works, and how video files work for demuxing and muxing … it stay’s a challenge to be honest. ^^”


I can’t help but think that I should create the importer in a way that I could efficiently use it within the editor itself. I could choose to convert the video files to a lighter format whilst only keeping those in memory, this will make going through the timeline to be a lot smoother and efficient, for the actual rendering the real video files get used instead.

This would cause long loading times when opening a project with many video files, but probably a process which we could optimize. Or we just do as first planned and load in video files dynamically. A better method would be to use these 2 combined. When editing a video in a smaller window, it is not uncommon to use proxies or to show that video at lower quality anyway within video editors.


To stop myself from optimization hell this early on, I’ll just get started and my first goal is actually get the video being displayed in the Godot editor (GoZen). Once I achieve that I could start working on importing sound as well. Afterwards is the timeline … really not looking forward to that thing again. ^^” Big update after that would be to render videos WITH AUDIO!! As the renderer only exports video’s right now.