Day 20: No zero days November – 2023

I really wanted to get a lot of work done today, I tried to finish housework and cooking as quickly as I could, prepared dinner at the same moment as I was making lunch. But when I was finally done with housework, it was 3 pm already. My kid required a lot of attention so I could not have enough focused time to work on ffmpeg.

What is today’s progress?

I started working on smaller things inside of the Godot part of the editor, some UI stuff, some functions, deleting some things, adding some things, cleaning up some code, adding some code, … Progress has been made, I’m far from happy with what I achieved today on GoZen.

This 30 day challenge was good so far to get the ball rolling on the bigger features such as rendering and importing video files, but having no time off to sit back and take a break is starting to weigh on me. ^^”


Since 15:00, now 18:46, I’ve been working on GoZen on and off, dividing my attention between my kid and GoZen. As long as my kid is awake, achieving work is difficult as he is in a very attention seeking phase and he just does not want to spend any time playing alone.

So for the past couple of day’s I’ve been trying to change my internal clock to wake up at 5 o’clock so I can at least have 1 hour of good focused work done, maybe even 2 if I’m lucky. So the solution to my problem is basically, sleep at 7pm/8pm together with my kid, and wake up earlier and work very early morning.

What’s next on the schedule?

For the rest of today, I’ll try to get a little more work done on GoZen. As for tomorrow, I hope that I can figure out how to generate the frames and display them inside of Godot. If today will be another day like today, I really hope it won’t be, then I’ll probably work more on the GDscript/UI stuff as this does not require my full focus. But I REALLY WANT to get the importer finished! ^^”