Day 29: No zero days November – 2023

The month is nearly over!

What happened today

Well … I got quite busy as my wife had the afternoon shift today, so we went had family time during the morning. Weather is cold and dark making me feel sleepy the entire day. ^^”

Still, I got some progress done. Most of the progress has been towards making the editor more use-able as some of the stuff I worked on these past few weeks broke a lot of other functionality such as the startup menu. Everything is slowly being pieced back together and fixed. Was also needed for me to go over the previously written code anyway so not really a loss of time nor can it be counted as early optimization.

I am on one of the final big parts of the editor to make it use-able … the timeline. I am looking forward working on it properly though, even if it’s a big task with many challenges.

Postponing too much on the timeline is something which I’ll avoid, but I really do want to have multiple days of working time on it in a row so I don’t get lost in the code. I’ll also start documenting my code more properly as the actual first Alpha release is getting closer and closer. Makes me quit excited that I’ll have made a working video editor in about a year! 🙂 Still, let’s not be too enthusiastic yet, much work still needs to be done.


I’ll keep it short for this one, tomorrow will probably also not have anything important to announce of what I achieved as I am slowly winding down from working on the important stuff and slowly prepare myself for the next coming days instead. During the next livestream I’ll show where GoZen has gotten to, quick note about this livestream … it may be postponed depending on the amount of time I will have. ^^” But I’ll try my best :p